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Ariel Shavit

I find the work in the Economics & Financial Consulting segment is interesting and broad. The best part is that I am working alongside colleagues who are industry experts that provide me with a good balance of autonomy and guidance.

7.00 AM

The alarm goes off, and as my mind begins to register the necessary next step, I cherish the last few moments of warmth before leaving my bed and preparing to leave for the bus.

7.20 AM

My work laptop 'check'
Banana in my bag 'check'
Earphones 'check'
Attitude status: in need of a coffee

I'm all set to go and embark on my journey to work.

7.45 AM

After catching a short bus ride to the station, I stand on the busier-than-usual platform. Since office capacity restrictions were recently relaxed many more people have been making their way to the city and the pre-Covid hustle and bustle is returning. Often, I’ll listen to music on the train. My playlist consists mainly of 70’s and 80’s genre which ranges from Steely Dan to Pink Floyd. My friends often joke that I’m an old soul in a young body.

8.30 AM

I arrive at the office and drop off my bag at my desk. I greet my teammates and then go around the office to say hello to the other colleagues who are in today and have the morning chat. Recently I have been mainly working from home due to COVID restrictions, so I make an effort to introduce myself to everyone who I may have only seen virtually. Everyone is very friendly and welcoming.

FTI Consulting - Ariel Shavit at the office

8.40 AM

Back at my desk, I begin by going through any unread emails and plan out the tasks that I aim to complete today in a to-do list. The project I’m working on is creating a cost-benefit analysis for a shipping port. The economic model is ever evolving as we go through thorough deliberation among the team and constantly receive new information and direction from the client.

I find the work in the Economics & Financial Consulting segment is interesting and broad. One day I could be working on a valuation for a large multinational company by producing charts and graphs, another time writing up proposals in the tendering process for new work, and then working on a project such as the current one where I had to learn about port functions. The best part is that I am working alongside colleagues who are industry experts that provide me with a good balance of autonomy and guidance.

9.00 AM

I open Excel on one screen and on the other I have documents open that will accompany my analysis. I continue my work on the model and make good progress.

10.00 AM

It’s time for the daily coffee catch-up where we discuss the progression of the projects we are working on. Today we sit in the kitchen area with a nice view of the city behind us. As we indulge in coffee, I can sense all our moods have improved. 

FTI Consulting - Ariel Shavit coffee catch up

10.30 AM

I’ve returned to my desk, and I see my teammate in Sydney is online. I reach out to him on Teams to see if he can review a section of the work I have done. Over a share-screen video call we review the analysis, and he provides me with feedback. After the call, I proceed to implement the changes.

12.00 PM

It’s lunchtime and time to explore the local cuisine. One of the great advantages of going to work in the city is the large variety of food options. The local Mexican shop catches my attention. A burrito with extra slow-cooked beef is the way to go. How could I not…

Over lunch, a colleague is reading the newspaper and we have a discussion about the performance of the stock market and the emerging technologies that will prove to be valuable in an ever increasingly digitised world. I'm not into trading but this discussion has sparked my interest!

1.00 PM

After lunch, I continue with my earlier tasks and add commentary to a business case report I am working on. The economic model I am producing will accompany the report. Since I made additions to the model, I work to ensure the changes are reflected correctly in the report.

FTI Consulting - Ariel Shavit back to his desk

3.30 PM

I have a discussion with a colleague who is a Senior Director about some of the model inputs. The dialogue followed the Socratic method which I found helpful in unpacking and simplifying elements of the model.

4.30 PM

Today is casual Friday and we had an end-of-week virtual meeting with a few of our team members in Brisbane. We first discuss some business matters such as team performance and the projects that are lined up for next year. The Economic & Financial Consulting team has grown a lot in the past year, and it is exciting to hear of the great opportunities on the horizon.

The discussion then heads into more important topics. The most important being ‘what is the best way to prepare a potato’. After relentless debate and unsuccessful persuasion, it came down to team mash potato vs. team soggy fries. There was no compromise!

FTI Consulting - Ariel Shavit meeting with colleagues

5.30 PM

I finalise my timesheets and ensure my to-do list is completed before I head out of the office. I am heading straight to the gym to get a workout in before Friday night dinner.

6.30 PM

I arrive at the gym and plan my session. It’s back and arms today, and I choose the bent-over barbell row as one of my main compound exercises. I enjoy getting physically active after work. I find that it’s a great way to decompress as it gives me time for myself.

7.45 PM

I arrive home, have a quick shower, and sit at the table to have dinner with my family. Tonight’s special is lentil soup with croutons.

9.30 PM

After dinner, I make my signature protein shake and make myself cosy on the couch. I decided to watch some YouTube and chat with my family about what they have planned for the week ahead. 

11.00 PM

I make my way to bed to get a proper rest after a full-on day. It won’t be long before I’m asleep.

The views expressed herein are those of the author(s) and not necessarily the views of FTI Consulting, Inc., its management, its subsidiaries, its affiliates, or its other professionals. FTI Consulting, Inc., including its subsidiaries and affiliates, is a consulting firm and is not a certified public accounting firm or a law firm. FTI Consulting is an independent global business advisory firm dedicated to helping organisations manage change, mitigate risk and resolve disputes: financial, legal, operational, political & regulatory, reputational and transactional. FTI Consulting professionals, located in all major business centers throughout the world, work closely with clients to anticipate, illuminate and overcome complex business challenges and opportunities. Some services may be provided through FTI Capital Advisors (Australia) Pty Ltd AFSL # 504204. Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation
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