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FTI Consulting

  • 1,000 - 50,000 employees

Erin Millard

FTI Consulting provides employees with a coach to mentor their professional development and encourage them to progress their career along their journey with FTI Consulting.

6.30 AM

It’s now the third time my alarm has gone off and I’m considering hitting that snooze button again. Unfortunately, I get a message from my walking buddy telling me they will be over soon, no sleep in today. I quickly jump out of bed and get ready for my morning walk.

FTI Consulting -  Erin Millard morning walk

8.00 AM

I have just returned from my walk and decide I’ve worked up enough appetite to make myself some breakfast. I’m working from home today, which means there will be no mad rush to the train this morning! FTI Consulting currently implements a hybrid model of working, this means I can work from home two days a week.

8.30 AM

With breakfast out of the way, it’s time to jump onto my computer and read through some emails. Each morning I like to dedicate some time to catching up on emails and planning my workday.

9.00 AM

I quickly run to my bedroom and make sure my partner has woken up for work (they had not). Now it’s time to get stuck into some outstanding tasks. I’m going to spend the next couple of hours responding to creditor queries that have come through our creditor inbox. I’m currently working on an engagement with team members across Sydney, Brisbane, and Melbourne.

10.45 AM

I attend our weekly Corporate Finance & Restructuring team check-in meeting. It’s an opportunity for my team to discuss what they are working on, whether they can assist others or if they need some extra assistance. I let my team know that I will have time this week to offer a hand. My favourite part of our weekly meeting is the quiz at the end, this week it’s about food (I might have a chance).

11.15 AM

I jump up from my desk and stretch my legs while I consider what item of work, I will tackle next. I don’t have to think too hard; a colleague calls me on teams to ask for some urgent assistance with their investigations work. This should keep me busy!

1.00 PM

After finishing helping my colleague and attending to some other smaller tasks, I wander into the kitchen and try to decide what I can make for lunch. I remember that I have leftovers from last night’s dinner, bon appetite! 

2.00 PM

I have been contacted by my manager to assist with a query raised by potential clients. Time to brush up on my knowledge of members’ voluntary liquidations.

Throughout the year I have been able to work on various types of engagements, including formal insolvency appointments (liquidations and voluntary administrations), business transformations and strategic reviews.

When I work on a formal insolvency appointment, the company is distressed and we’re trying to provide the best outcome for creditors. For me, that means that first, we have to find out what the current financial status of the company is. We take over queries from creditors, do investigations into the collapse of the company and work towards either finding a buyer, restructuring the organisation or if this is not an option, liquidation.

When I work on a business transformation engagement, we may help a company with finding suitable buyers for their company or undertaking due diligence for potential mergers. When we kick off the project, I research the industry and market and assist with preparing pitches for potential clients. 

FTI Consulting -  Erin Millard working

3.30 PM

I have a catch-up call with my coach to discuss my progress and set my goals for next year. FTI Consulting provides employees with a coach to mentor their professional development and encourage them to progress their career along their journey with FTI Consulting. Regular catch-up sessions with your coach are encouraged and luckily for me, my coach likes coffee. When we are in the office, we will usually go and have our coaching session in a quiet café.

4.15 PM

I’m going to spend the remainder of my afternoon working on a report to creditors that I started drafting last week. We will be providing an update on the progress of the administration and holding a creditors’ meeting in the next few weeks.

5.30 PM

I’ve finished the draft report and have send it off for review. It’s definitely a good feeling! Now it’s time to respond to a couple of last-minute emails then log off and finish my now very cold cup of tea.

FTI Consulting -  Erin Millard last minute emails

6.30 PM

After lounging around on the couch for an hour, I’ve decided it’s time to get a move on with dinner. Tonight, we are making pasta bake (again), maybe one day I will learn some more recipes.

8.00 PM

With dinner out of the way, it’s time to take a quick shower and make my way back to the couch to spend some quality time with my pets and watch way too much trash television.

10.30 PM

Tomorrow I will be heading into the office to work. So before jumping into bed, I pick out my clothes and book my desk for the day. I remember to quickly set my alarm and can now fall asleep thinking about what I’m going to buy for lunch tomorrow. I’m leaning towards a burrito.

The views expressed herein are those of the author(s) and not necessarily the views of FTI Consulting, Inc., its management, its subsidiaries, its affiliates, or its other professionals. FTI Consulting, Inc., including its subsidiaries and affiliates, is a consulting firm and is not a certified public accounting firm or a law firm. FTI Consulting is an independent global business advisory firm dedicated to helping organisations manage change, mitigate risk and resolve disputes: financial, legal, operational, political & regulatory, reputational and transactional. FTI Consulting professionals, located in all major business centers throughout the world, work closely with clients to anticipate, illuminate and overcome complex business challenges and opportunities. Some services may be provided through FTI Capital Advisors (Australia) Pty Ltd AFSL # 504204. Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation
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